
Green energy projects at AGC


All the following projects help reducing our electricity consumption from the grid and the associated CO2 emissions. Many other projects are being studied to further increase our green energy production, with a continuous improvement approach.

The purchasing of green electricity (PPA)

In Belgium, AGC Glass Europe signed an electricity purchase agreement with Luminus for an annual supply of around 67 GWh of green electricity (14 wind turbines), increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy consumption of its Belgian production facilities.

The installation of wind turbines at our sites

In Belgium, AGC partnered with Luminus for the construction of AGC's first on-site wind turbine in Seneffe in 2021. Luminus and AGC also intend to build one wind turbine on the AGC sites in Mol and in Zeebrugge. 



In Seneffe, the group’ s first wind turbine generated more than 4.25 GWh of green electricity in 2023. 



The installation of PV panels on the roofs of offices and plants or on-site photovoltaic power plants

The first photovoltaic panels were installed at the Osterweddingen plant (Germany) and the Cuneo plant (Italy) in 2009 and 2010. Since then, other photovoltaic projects have been introduced at many other sites, amongst which large-scale PV panels at the Lodelinsart and Seneffe plants and the Technovation Center in Belgium. In July 2023, AGC and Helexia implemented one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic self-consumption plants in Spain at the Sagunto plant. Since November 2023, a solar facility operated by E.ON provides AGC Glass Hungary with a source of renewable energy.

The most recently confirmed project concerns the installation of a photovoltaic power plant in partnership with energy company E.ON., at AGC's float plant in Seingbouse (France). Additional projects are under detailed study in Germany and Czech Republic.




In 2023, the total output of photovoltaic installations reached 11,166 MWh. This is a remarkable increase close to 80% vs 2022 production.



The installation of heat recovery systems at our plants. 

Heat recovery is the re-use of residual heat arising from a production process that would otherwise be lost, and which allows reduction of energy consumption. The heat recovery systems at AGC generate power by taking the residual heat of the flue gas from the glass melting furnace and converting it into electricity. This works either via an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) module that uses organic oil with a low boiling point or water as in a steam turbine generator.
Heat recovery systems were installed in AGC plants of Cuneo, Osterweddingen and Roccassecca. A new ORC plant for residual heat recovery has been installed in 2023 at AGC ‘s float glass plant in Seingbouse (France), in partnership with energy company E.ON. 
In total, the heat recovery systems (ORC) produced 7,490 MWh

The installation of a cogeneration plant (CHP) 

Cogeneration, also called Combined Heat and Power (CHP), is a very efficient technology to generate electricity and heat at the same time, allowing an important reduction of CO2 emissions and others air pollutants. The AGC plant in Cuneo (Italy) has a 7MW cogeneration plant, which is managed by the third part company Wedge Power. While the electricity produced is consumed by AGC, the heat generated in the cogeneration process is supplied to a district heating system covering the city of Cuneo. The produced heat covers almost all the needs of the municipality’s heating network. Moustier is also supplied in electricity and heat by a cogeneration plant installed in 2022 by third party investor CORETEC. Thanks to the output of this new CHP, the total green electricity production (including the PV electricity production) increased with 71% versus 2022!



In 2023, the total electricity production from low-carbon sources (wind, solar, cogeneration and heat recovery) reached 42,917 MWh. As a result, close to 3,120 tonnes of CO2 were saved in 2023.





Green electricity from AGC Glass Europe

Chart with 4 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. Data range: 5 categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying GWh/year. Data ranges from 0 to 42.9.
End of interactive chart.



Latest green energy projects at AGC


AGC and Helexia implement one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic self-consumption plants in Spain

Read press release


AGC purchases green electricity from 14 Luminus wind turbines (Belgium)

Read press release

A solar facility operated by E.ON provides AGC Glass Hungary with a source of renewable energy



A solar facility operated by E.ON provides AGC Glass Hungary with a source of renewable energy

Read press release