AGC: Relazione sulla Sostenibilità 2017 disponibile online

It is available online at the Report on Sustainability, which outlines the environmental achievements of AGC Glass Europe, operating with two divisions (Building & Industrial Glass Division and Automotive Division ). These achievements are the result of the constant commitment of all company locations to ensure more sustainable production activities as well as more environmentally friendly products and services!

Synthesis: targets and environmental outcomes of AGC

Energy Production: The total production of photovoltaic systems installed at different locations stood at 6697 MWh in 2016.

Air: On a comparable basis, per ton of glass sold, major operating sites have broken down the direct emissions of CO 2 by 11% since 2002. In the specific dust emissions is a reduction of about 45% was achieved in 1998.

Water: From 1998 to 2016, AGC has succeeded in reducing water consumption by 71% on a comparable basis.

Solid waste: Currently, the amount of solid waste produced by the Group is around 230,000 tons per year, of which 98% is further recycled or reclaimed in place by suppliers or contractors.

Transport: 72% of the raw material is transported by ship or train, which is equivalent to 54,500 trucks in less circulating on the road each year. In 2016, to deliver about 88,000 tons of finished glass products is a combined rail and road transport was used used, taking away from the road about 4,400 trucks in a year.

Packaging: Today, most of the packaging for glass is reusable. AGC Glass Europe reaches a very high level of reuse of packaging. In Belgium, 98% of the packaging is reused.

Recycling: AGC Glass Europe currently recycles approximately 1,000,000 tons of scrap each year, saving about 1,150,000 tons of raw and 300,000 tons of CO emission materials 2 .

The ecological footprint of AGC:

AGC has developed a holistic approach to test comprehensively its ecological footprint. Analysis of the life cycle, carbon footprint measurement and Cradle to Cradle Certified program TM for the products, are the 3 systems used to assess the integrated environmental approach.

Certification Cradle to Cradle: In 2016, AGC Glass Europe has renewed for two years Certifications Cradle to Cradle related to glass with magnetron coating, glossy lacquered glass, matt glass, frosted glass, mirrors, and laminated glass, under the new and more severe Cradle to Cradle certification program version 3.1. In addition, AGC Glass Europe has managed to obtain, as the first and only glass manufacturer in the world, certified Cradle to Cradle Certified Bronze for its glass products for insulation in January 2017. AGC now offers the widest range of certified products Silver and Bronze level. 

Carbon footprint: The calculation of emissions is that the savings gives final result 1:10 (ie, 3,400.000 tons of CO 2 against 34,500,000 tons), which means that for each ton of CO 2 emitted by AGC Glass Europe activities, nearly 10 tons of CO 2 are saved through the use of its products. The report and - based on the same perimeter - the results have improved since 2009. 

Discover now the Report on Sustainability of

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AGC Flat Glass Italia

Eleonora Tirotta
+39 02 62487121

AGC Glass Europe

Britta Jarchow
Marketing Communications Manager

AGC Glass Europe, un leader europeo nel settore del vetro piano

La società AGC Glass Europe, con sede a Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgio), produce, lavora e commercializza vetro piano per il settore delle costruzioni (vetrate esterne e decorazione di interni), per l'industria automobilistica e altri settori industriali (trasporti, energia solare e high-tech). La società è filiale europea di AGC, produttore mondiale di vetro piano. Il Gruppo è presente con oltre 100 sedi nell’intera Europa e impiega oltre 13.000 dipendenti.
Per maggiori informazioni, visitare (sito aziendale), (vetro il settore delle costruzioni) e (prodotti per l’industria automobilistica).

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