Dostępny online: Raport AGC dotyczący zrównoważonego rozwoju 2017

AGC Glass Europe report on sustainable development is now available on the Internet at and includes achievements of the Company, operating in two departments (department building glass and industrial and automotive division) environmental protection. These achievements are due to the continued commitment of all plants AGC in ensuring more sustainable production operations and a more "green" products and services!

In short: achievements and results of the AGC Environmental

Production of energy: In 2016. The total output of photovoltaic plants AGC was 6697 MWh.

Air: According to comparable statistics, the AGC plants have reduced direct emissions of CO 2 per tonne of glass sold by 11% since 2002. Dust emissions have been reduced by approx. 45% since 1998.

Water: From 1998 to 2016. AGC has managed to reduce water consumption by 71% according to comparable statistics.

Solid waste: Currently, the amount of waste generated by the Group amounts to approx. 230 000 tonnes / year, of which 98% is further recycled or recovered in the plant by suppliers or contractors.

Transportation: 72% of raw materials are transported by ships or trains, which allows for "relief" road about 54 500 trucks a year. In 2016,., Approximately 88 000 tons of glass products transported in a combined way - by train and truck, so that within a year approx. 4,400 trucks do not have to go on the road.

Packaging: Currently, most of the glass packaging is suitable for reuse. AGC Glass Europe reaches a very high level of re-use of packaging. In Belgium, 98% of the packaging is reused.

Recycling: AGC recycled approx. 1 000 000 tons per annum cullet, saving approx. 1 150 000 tons of raw material and 300 000 tons of CO 2 .

Ecological Footprint AGC

AGC has developed a holistic approach to fully assess its ecological footprint. Life Cycle Analysis (life cycle analysis), the measurement of carbon dioxide emissions and the program Cradle to Cradle Certified TM are 3 ways used to evaluate an integrated approach to environmental protection.

Certification Cradle to Cradle: In 2016., The company AGC Glass Europe renewed its certificates of float glass, coated glass magnetron, painted glass, glossy, glass lacquered matt glass etched with acid, mirrors and laminated glass for two years in the new, more rigorous 3.1 Cradle to Cradle certification. In addition, in January 2017. AGC Glass Europe, the first and only glass manufacturer in the world to successfully been certified Cradle to Cradle Certified Bronze for their insulating glass products. AGC currently offers the widest range of products certified at the Silver and Bronze. 

Emissions of carbon dioxide: The calculation of emission and saving gives the final result 1:10 (ie. 3 400 000 tons of CO 2 compared to 34 of 500, 000 tons), which means that for each ton of CO 2 emitted by the AGC Glass Europe for nearly 10 tons savings of CO 2 through the use of its products. This proportion, and - based on the same circuit - the results have improved since 2009. 

AGC report on sustainable development is available at

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AGC Flat Glass Czech

Petra Takáčová
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Tel : +420 417 50 20 42

AGC Glass Europe

Britta Jarchow
Marketing & komunikacja

AGC Glass Europe, wiodący europejski producent szkła płaskiego

Firma AGC Glass Europe z siedzibą w Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgia) zajmuje się produkcją, przetwarzaniem i sprzedażą szkła na potrzeby branży budowlanej (zewnętrzne oszklenia i wystrój wnętrz), samochodowej oraz innych (transport, energetyka, nowoczesne technologie).  Stanowi ona europejski oddział firmy AGC — światowego lidera w produkcji szkła płaskiego. Firma ma ponad 100 jednostek rozlokowanych w całej Europie i zatrudnia około 13.000 osób.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronach: (strona firmowa), (szkło dla branży budowlanej) i (branża motoryzacyjna)

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