icon sites

More than 100 sites
throughout Europe

icon employees

employees at the service
of our customers

automotive building

Building and Automotive
Glass supplier 
to the building, automotive, 
solar and high-tech sectors


Member of a worldwide glass group


AGC Glass Europe is the European glass branch of AGC (Japan), a world leader in flat glass. The AGC group has 186 companies in over 30 countries with 53,700 employees, focusing on 5 main business segments: Architectural Glass, Automotive, Electronics, Chemicals and Life Science.



Glass, a material to meet a growing variety of needs


Shaping the future with glass innovation

The world around us is changing fast: smarter greener cities, advanced connectivity, and new models of mobility. By reinventing glass and continuously improving what it can do, AGC makes sure that glazing is a central part of enabling these technological revolutions. 

Learn more



researchers, technicians & engineers
at our Technovation Center



of our R&D budget is dedicated to sustainable products,
solutions and manufacturing


A positive impact on environment 

We aim to be at the forefront in developing new products with better environmental performance during their lifetime. And we aim to manufacture these products using the best available technologies from the environmental point of view, in order to minimise the environmental impact. 

Read more about our sustainable approach 

AGC segments

Customer focus

The entire organisation of our group is driven by our customer. From design and production to the supply of the widest range of products and services on the market. We keep close to the customer with production plants throughout Europe and a worldwide distribution network.


4 main segments

AGC 4 main segments

Governance Council Board

Jean-Marc Meunier

Jean-Marc Meunier

Managing Director
Regional President for Europe, Automotive

The Automotive Division covers the automotive and transportation glass activities (OEM and replacement glass) of AGC in Europe. 

Davide Cappellino - AGC

Davide Cappellino

Chairman of the Board and President for
Architectural Glass Europe and Americas

The Architectural Glass Division covers the glass activities of AGC for the building industry as well as solar and high-tech applications. 

Caroll Schoonejans - AGC Europe

Caroll Schoonejans

President of
AGC Europe

AGC Europe is an internal service center that provides Finance & Business services to all activities of AGC in Europe  

Our stories