AGC Automotive Europe launches ultra-dark grey glass on the market

AGC Automotive Europe has introduced its darkest grey glass to date, intended primarily for car roofs and rear windows. This glass affords greater privacy and thermal comfort (solar protection) for the vehicle occupants and thus also reduces the need for air conditioning.

The AGC dark grey glass boasts a light transmission factor of 8%1 and a solar factor2 of 32%. Available in thicknesses of 3.85 and 4.85 mm, it extends the range of AGC green and grey glass available already. This expansion of the tinted glass range is combined with advanced glass solutions for energy control such as coated glass3 and variable transmission glass4. "Together these developments demonstrate our determination to constantly progress with our automotive customers in their search for added value," concludes Jean-Marc Meunier, General Manager AGC Automotive Europe.

  1. Value for a thickness of 3.85 mm.
  2. The solar factor represents the total percentage of energy (and thus also heat) passing through the glass. AGC grey glass lets through only 32% of the heat carried by the sun's rays.
  3. Glass coated with invisible layers of metal oxides which reflect infrared radiation and cut overheating inside the vehicle. Used for windshields.
  4. Glass that can switch from transparent to dark blue simply by applying a voltage across it. Used for vehicle roofs.


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AGC Automotive Europe

Michel Meyers,
Strategic Marketing Director,
Tel.: + 32 2 409 31 59
Mobile: +32 473 933 550

AGC Automotive Europe

Based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), AGC Automotive Europe is the European automotive glass branch of the AGC Group. The AGC Group, with Tokyo-based AGC Inc. at its core, is a world-leading supplier of flat, automotive and display glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials and components. AGC Automotive Europe specializes in production of exterior glass (OEM and replacement) for vehicle manufacturers. In addition AGC provides ready-to-assemble systems, higher value-added functional systems (antennas, sensors, heating elements) and enhanced property glazing (improved thermal, sound and vision comfort).
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